How to use instagram followers and likes

Estimated read time 3 min read

With over a billion active users, Instagram is one of the most widely used social media sites. It’s a great platform for businesses and individuals alike to showcase their brand, connect with their audience, and grow their following. We will go over how to use likes and followers to grow your account by Go to iDigic and increase engagement in this article.

Engage with your followers

Engagement is key to growing your Instagram account. Your followers will engage with you more as long as you communicate with them frequently. Respond to comments, reply to DMs, and like and comment on their posts. This will encourage relationship-building with your followers and promote greater involvement.

Use hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to get your content in front of a larger audience. To gain new followers, include proper hashtags in your posts. Make sure to use a mix of popular and niche hashtags to reach a wider range of people.

Post consistently

Consistency is important on every social media. Post regularly to keep your followers engaged and attracts new ones. It is essential to establish and adhere to a posting schedule that works for you. You can use insights to see when your followers are most active and post during those times.

Run Instagram contests

Contests on it are a fantastic way to interact with your followers and draw in new ones. You can run a giveaway or contest where people need to follow your account and like or comment on your post to enter. This will help increase engagement and grow your following.


Use Instagram ads

Instagram ads are a fantastic way to advertise your brand or products to a larger audience. You can target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors to reach the right people. The ads can help increase your followers, website traffic, and sales. You can also Go to iDigic.

Analyze your Instagram insights

The insights provide valuable information about your followers and how they engage with your content. Use this data to determine the best times to post, when your followers are most active, and what kinds of content are most popular with your followers. This will help you create more content and grow your following.

In conclusion, using followers and likes is crucial to growing your account and building your brand. Engage with your followers, use hashtags, post consistently, collaborate with other accounts, run contests, use ads, and analyze your insights to see what works best for your account.

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