What is the use of ISO 45001 transition?
The deadlines for all planned transitions and migrations of international management system standards have been extended by six months, providing organisations additional time to ensure that their management systems are up to date.Because of the Coronavirus pandemic, the International Accreditation Forum has confirmed the extensions, guaranteeing that final transition audits are not required for another six months. Following the requirements, the migration audit will be performed partially or entirely remotely. Let’s look at what is ISO 45001 transition is.
What is ISO 45001?
The first standard to offer a complete framework for management systems addressing occupational health and safety challenges, ISO 45001: 2018 Occupational Health & Safety, supersedes OHSAS 18001. The transition time from OHSAS 18001:2007 to ISO 45001:2018 for approved certifications has been extended to September 30, 2021. Remote auditing techniques can be used to do the migration audit. To guarantee that all clients receive the new certificate by the deadline, all health and safety assessments will be provided per ISO45001:2018 criteria beginning in March 2021, and all migration audits will be completed by 30 June 2021. Let’s see what was the use of ISO 45001 transition.
What it is for?
Thousands of lives are lost every day as a result of workplace accidents or deadly diseases connected to job activities. These are fatalities that might, should, and must be avoided in the future. ISO 45001 intends to assist enterprises in doing precisely that.The latest ISO standard for workplace health and safety is ISO 45001. (OH&S). It has become one of the most widely anticipated standards in the world, and it is expected to significantly enhance worker safety.